promiseToFuture<T> function
Null safety
- Object jsPromise
Converts a JavaScript Promise to a Dart Future.
external Promise<num> get threePromise; // Resolves to 3
final Future<num> threeFuture = promiseToFuture(threePromise);
final three = await threeFuture; // == 3
Future<T> promiseToFuture<T>(Object jsPromise) {
final completer = Completer<T>();
final success = convertDartClosureToJS((r) => completer.complete(r), 1);
final error = convertDartClosureToJS((e) {
// Note that `completeError` expects a non-nullable error regardless of
// whether null-safety is enabled, so a `NullRejectionException` is always
// provided if the error is `null` or `undefined`.
if (e == null) {
return completer.completeError(
NullRejectionException._(JS('bool', '# === undefined', e)));
return completer.completeError(e);
}, 1);
JS('', '#.then(#, #)', jsPromise, success, error);
return completer.future;