controlWebServer method Null safety

Future<ServiceProtocolInfo> controlWebServer (
  1. {bool enable: false}

Control the web server that the service protocol is accessed through. The enable argument must be a boolean and is used as a toggle to enable (true) or disable (false) the web server servicing requests.


static Future<ServiceProtocolInfo> controlWebServer(
    {bool enable: false}) async {
  // TODO: When NNBD is complete, delete the following line.
  ArgumentError.checkNotNull(enable, 'enable');
  // Port to receive response from service isolate.
  final RawReceivePort receivePort = new RawReceivePort();
  final Completer<Uri> uriCompleter = new Completer<Uri>();
  receivePort.handler = (Uri uri) => uriCompleter.complete(uri);
  // Request the information from the service isolate.
  _webServerControl(receivePort.sendPort, enable);
  // Await the response from the service isolate.
  Uri uri = await uriCompleter.future;
  // Close the port.
  return new ServiceProtocolInfo(uri);