Window class

Top-level container for the current browser tab or window.

In a web browser, each window has a Window object, but within the context of a script, this object represents only the current window. Each other window, tab, and iframe has its own Window object.

Each window contains a Document object, which contains all of the window's content.

Use the top-level window object to access the current window. For example:

// Draw a scene when the window repaints.
drawScene(num delta) {...}

// Write to the console.

Note: This class represents only the current window, while WindowBase is a representation of any window, including other tabs, windows, and frames.

See also

Other resources

Implemented types
  • @Native("Window,DOMWindow")


animationFrame Future<num>
Returns a Future that completes just before the window is about to repaint so the user can draw an animation frame.
no setter
animationWorklet → _Worklet?
no setter
applicationCache ApplicationCache?
The application cache for this window.
no setter
audioWorklet → _Worklet?
no setter
caches CacheStorage?
no setter
closed bool?
Indicates whether this window has been closed.
no setteroverride
console Console
The debugging console for this window.
no setter
cookieStore CookieStore?
no setter
crypto Crypto?
Entrypoint for the browser's cryptographic functions.
no setter
customElements CustomElementRegistry?
no setter
defaultStatus String?
getter/setter pair
defaultstatus String?
getter/setter pair
devicePixelRatio num
The ratio between physical pixels and logical CSS pixels.
no setter
document Document
The newest document in this window.
no setter
external External?
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
history History
The current session history for this window's newest document.
no setteroverride
indexedDB IdbFactory?
Gets an instance of the Indexed DB factory to being using Indexed DB.
no setter
innerHeight int?
The height of the viewport including scrollbars.
no setter
innerWidth int?
The width of the viewport including scrollbars.
no setter
isSecureContext bool?
no setter
localStorage Storage
Storage for this window that persists across sessions.
no setter
location Location
The current location of this window.
getter/setter pairoverride-getter
locationbar BarProp?
This window's location bar, which displays the URL.
no setter
This window's menu bar, which displays menu commands.
no setter
name String?
The name of this window.
getter/setter pair
The user agent accessing this window.
no setter
offscreenBuffering bool?
Whether objects are drawn offscreen before being displayed.
no setter
on Events
This is an ease-of-use accessor for event streams which should only be used when an explicit accessor is not available.
no setterinherited
onAbort Stream<Event>
Stream of abort events handled by this Window.
no setteroverride
onAnimationEnd Stream<AnimationEvent>
Stream of animationend events handled by this Window.
no setter
onAnimationIteration Stream<AnimationEvent>
Stream of animationiteration events handled by this Window.
no setter
onAnimationStart Stream<AnimationEvent>
Stream of animationstart events handled by this Window.
no setter
onBeforeUnload Stream<Event>
Stream of beforeunload events handled by this Window.
no setter
onBlur Stream<Event>
Stream of blur events handled by this Window.
no setteroverride
onCanPlay Stream<Event>
no setteroverride
onCanPlayThrough Stream<Event>
no setteroverride
onChange Stream<Event>
Stream of change events handled by this Window.
no setteroverride
onClick Stream<MouseEvent>
Stream of click events handled by this Window.
no setteroverride
onContentLoaded Stream<Event>
Stream of contentloaded events handled by this Window.
no setter
onContextMenu Stream<MouseEvent>
Stream of contextmenu events handled by this Window.
no setteroverride
onDeviceMotion Stream<DeviceMotionEvent>
Stream of devicemotion events handled by this Window.
no setter
onDeviceOrientation Stream<DeviceOrientationEvent>
Stream of deviceorientation events handled by this Window.
no setter
onDoubleClick Stream<Event>
Stream of doubleclick events handled by this Window.
no setteroverride
onDrag Stream<MouseEvent>
Stream of drag events handled by this Window.
no setteroverride
onDragEnd Stream<MouseEvent>
Stream of dragend events handled by this Window.
no setteroverride
onDragEnter Stream<MouseEvent>
Stream of dragenter events handled by this Window.
no setteroverride
onDragLeave Stream<MouseEvent>
Stream of dragleave events handled by this Window.
no setteroverride
onDragOver Stream<MouseEvent>
Stream of dragover events handled by this Window.
no setteroverride
onDragStart Stream<MouseEvent>
Stream of dragstart events handled by this Window.
no setteroverride
onDrop Stream<MouseEvent>
Stream of drop events handled by this Window.
no setteroverride
onDurationChange Stream<Event>
no setteroverride
onEmptied Stream<Event>
no setteroverride
onEnded Stream<Event>
no setteroverride
onError Stream<Event>
Stream of error events handled by this Window.
no setteroverride
onFocus Stream<Event>
Stream of focus events handled by this Window.
no setteroverride
onHashChange Stream<Event>
Stream of hashchange events handled by this Window.
no setteroverride
onInput Stream<Event>
Stream of input events handled by this Window.
no setteroverride
onInvalid Stream<Event>
Stream of invalid events handled by this Window.
no setteroverride
onKeyDown Stream<KeyboardEvent>
Stream of keydown events handled by this Window.
no setteroverride
onKeyPress Stream<KeyboardEvent>
Stream of keypress events handled by this Window.
no setteroverride
onKeyUp Stream<KeyboardEvent>
Stream of keyup events handled by this Window.
no setteroverride
onLoad Stream<Event>
Stream of load events handled by this Window.
no setteroverride
onLoadedData Stream<Event>
no setteroverride
onLoadedMetadata Stream<Event>
no setteroverride
onLoadStart Stream<Event>
no setter
onMessage Stream<MessageEvent>
Stream of message events handled by this Window.
no setteroverride
onMouseDown Stream<MouseEvent>
Stream of mousedown events handled by this Window.
no setteroverride
onMouseEnter Stream<MouseEvent>
Stream of mouseenter events handled by this Window.
no setteroverride
onMouseLeave Stream<MouseEvent>
Stream of mouseleave events handled by this Window.
no setteroverride
onMouseMove Stream<MouseEvent>
Stream of mousemove events handled by this Window.
no setteroverride
onMouseOut Stream<MouseEvent>
Stream of mouseout events handled by this Window.
no setteroverride
onMouseOver Stream<MouseEvent>
Stream of mouseover events handled by this Window.
no setteroverride
onMouseUp Stream<MouseEvent>
Stream of mouseup events handled by this Window.
no setteroverride
onMouseWheel Stream<WheelEvent>
Stream of mousewheel events handled by this Window.
no setteroverride
onOffline Stream<Event>
Stream of offline events handled by this Window.
no setteroverride
onOnline Stream<Event>
Stream of online events handled by this Window.
no setteroverride
onPageHide Stream<Event>
Stream of pagehide events handled by this Window.
no setter
onPageShow Stream<Event>
Stream of pageshow events handled by this Window.
no setter
onPause Stream<Event>
no setteroverride
onPlay Stream<Event>
no setteroverride
onPlaying Stream<Event>
no setteroverride
onPopState Stream<PopStateEvent>
Stream of popstate events handled by this Window.
no setteroverride
onProgress Stream<Event>
no setter
onRateChange Stream<Event>
no setteroverride
onReset Stream<Event>
Stream of reset events handled by this Window.
no setteroverride
onResize Stream<Event>
Stream of resize events handled by this Window.
no setteroverride
onScroll Stream<Event>
Stream of scroll events handled by this Window.
no setteroverride
onSearch Stream<Event>
Stream of search events handled by this Window.
no setter
onSeeked Stream<Event>
no setteroverride
onSeeking Stream<Event>
no setteroverride
onSelect Stream<Event>
Stream of select events handled by this Window.
no setteroverride
onStalled Stream<Event>
no setteroverride
onStorage Stream<StorageEvent>
Stream of storage events handled by this Window.
no setteroverride
onSubmit Stream<Event>
Stream of submit events handled by this Window.
no setteroverride
onSuspend Stream<Event>
no setteroverride
onTimeUpdate Stream<Event>
no setteroverride
onTouchCancel Stream<TouchEvent>
Stream of touchcancel events handled by this Window.
no setteroverride
onTouchEnd Stream<TouchEvent>
Stream of touchend events handled by this Window.
no setteroverride
onTouchMove Stream<TouchEvent>
Stream of touchmove events handled by this Window.
no setteroverride
onTouchStart Stream<TouchEvent>
Stream of touchstart events handled by this Window.
no setteroverride
onTransitionEnd Stream<TransitionEvent>
Stream of transitionend events handled by this Window.
no setter
onUnload Stream<Event>
Stream of unload events handled by this Window.
no setteroverride
onVolumeChange Stream<Event>
no setteroverride
onWaiting Stream<Event>
no setteroverride
onWheel Stream<WheelEvent>
Stream of wheel events handled by this Window.
no setteroverride
opener WindowBase?
A reference to the window that opened this one.
getter/setter pairoverride-getter
orientation int?
no setter
origin String?
no setter
outerHeight int
The height of this window including all user interface elements.
no setter
outerWidth int
The width of the window including all user interface elements.
no setter
pageXOffset int
no setter
pageYOffset int
no setter
parent WindowBase?
A reference to the parent of this window.
no setteroverride
performance Performance
Timing and navigation data for this window.
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
screen Screen?
Information about the screen displaying this window.
no setter
screenLeft int?
The distance from the left side of the screen to the left side of this window.
no setter
screenTop int?
The distance from the top of the screen to the top of this window.
no setter
screenX int?
The distance from the left side of the screen to the mouse pointer.
no setter
screenY int?
The distance from the top of the screen to the mouse pointer.
no setter
scrollbars BarProp?
This window's scroll bars.
no setter
scrollX int
The distance this window has been scrolled horizontally.
no setter
scrollY int
The distance this window has been scrolled vertically.
no setter
self WindowBase?
The current window.
no setter
sessionStorage Storage
Storage for this window that is cleared when this session ends.
no setter
speechSynthesis SpeechSynthesis?
Access to speech synthesis in the browser.
no setter
status String?
getter/setter pair
statusbar BarProp?
This window's status bar.
no setter
styleMedia StyleMedia?
Access to CSS media queries.
no setter
toolbar BarProp?
This window's tool bar.
no setter
top WindowBase?
A reference to the topmost window in the window hierarchy.
no setteroverride
visualViewport VisualViewport?
no setter
window WindowBase?
The current window.
no setter


addEventListener(String type, EventListener? listener, [bool? useCapture]) → void
alert([String? message]) → void
Displays a modal alert to the user.
atob(String atob) String
btoa(String btoa) String
cancelAnimationFrame(int id) → void
Cancels an animation frame request.
cancelIdleCallback(int handle) → void
close() → void
Closes the window.
confirm([String? message]) bool
Displays a modal OK/Cancel prompt to the user.
dispatchEvent(Event event) bool
fetch(dynamic input, [Map? init]) Future
find(String? string, bool? caseSensitive, bool? backwards, bool? wrap, bool? wholeWord, bool? searchInFrames, bool? showDialog) bool
Finds text in this window.
getComputedStyleMap(Element element, String? pseudoElement) StylePropertyMapReadonly
getMatchedCssRules(Element? element, String? pseudoElement) List<CssRule>
Returns all CSS rules that apply to the element's pseudo-element.
getSelection() Selection?
Returns the currently selected text.
matchMedia(String query) MediaQueryList
Returns a list of media queries for the given query string.
moveBy(int x, int y) → void
Moves this window.
moveTo(Point<num> p) → void
Moves this window to a specific position.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
open(String url, String name, [String? options]) WindowBase
Opens a new window.
postMessage(dynamic message, String targetOrigin, [List<Object>? transfer]) → void
Sends a cross-origin message.
print() → void
Opens the print dialog for this window.
removeEventListener(String type, EventListener? listener, [bool? useCapture]) → void
requestAnimationFrame(FrameRequestCallback callback) int
Called to draw an animation frame and then request the window to repaint after callback has finished (creating the animation).
requestFileSystem(int size, {bool persistent = false}) Future<FileSystem>
Access a sandboxed file system of size bytes.
requestIdleCallback(IdleRequestCallback callback, [Map? options]) int
resizeBy(int x, int y) → void
Resizes this window by an offset.
resizeTo(int x, int y) → void
Resizes this window to a specific width and height.
resolveLocalFileSystemUrl(String url) Future<Entry>
Asynchronously retrieves a local filesystem entry.
scroll([dynamic options_OR_x, dynamic y, Map? scrollOptions]) → void
Scrolls the page horizontally and vertically to a specific point.
scrollBy([dynamic options_OR_x, dynamic y, Map? scrollOptions]) → void
Scrolls the page horizontally and vertically by an offset.
scrollTo([dynamic options_OR_x, dynamic y, Map? scrollOptions]) → void
Scrolls the page horizontally and vertically to a specific point.
stop() → void
Stops the window from loading.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Properties

supportsPointConversions bool
convertPointFromNodeToPage and convertPointFromPageToNode are removed. see
no setter


animationEndEvent → const EventStreamProvider<AnimationEvent>
Static factory designed to expose animationend events to event handlers that are not necessarily instances of Window.
const EventStreamProvider<AnimationEvent>('webkitAnimationEnd')
animationIterationEvent → const EventStreamProvider<AnimationEvent>
Static factory designed to expose animationiteration events to event handlers that are not necessarily instances of Window.
const EventStreamProvider<AnimationEvent>('webkitAnimationIteration')
animationStartEvent → const EventStreamProvider<AnimationEvent>
Static factory designed to expose animationstart events to event handlers that are not necessarily instances of Window.
const EventStreamProvider<AnimationEvent>('webkitAnimationStart')
beforeUnloadEvent → const EventStreamProvider<BeforeUnloadEvent>
Static factory designed to expose beforeunload events to event handlers that are not necessarily instances of Window.
const EventStreamProvider('beforeunload')
contentLoadedEvent → const EventStreamProvider<Event>
Static factory designed to expose contentloaded events to event handlers that are not necessarily instances of Window.
const EventStreamProvider<Event>('DOMContentLoaded')
deviceMotionEvent → const EventStreamProvider<DeviceMotionEvent>
Static factory designed to expose devicemotion events to event handlers that are not necessarily instances of Window.
const EventStreamProvider<DeviceMotionEvent>('devicemotion')
deviceOrientationEvent → const EventStreamProvider<DeviceOrientationEvent>
Static factory designed to expose deviceorientation events to event handlers that are not necessarily instances of Window.
const EventStreamProvider<DeviceOrientationEvent>('deviceorientation')
hashChangeEvent → const EventStreamProvider<Event>
Static factory designed to expose hashchange events to event handlers that are not necessarily instances of Window.
const EventStreamProvider<Event>('hashchange')
loadStartEvent → const EventStreamProvider<Event>
const EventStreamProvider<Event>('loadstart')
messageEvent → const EventStreamProvider<MessageEvent>
Static factory designed to expose message events to event handlers that are not necessarily instances of Window.
const EventStreamProvider<MessageEvent>('message')
offlineEvent → const EventStreamProvider<Event>
Static factory designed to expose offline events to event handlers that are not necessarily instances of Window.
const EventStreamProvider<Event>('offline')
onlineEvent → const EventStreamProvider<Event>
Static factory designed to expose online events to event handlers that are not necessarily instances of Window.
const EventStreamProvider<Event>('online')
pageHideEvent → const EventStreamProvider<Event>
Static factory designed to expose pagehide events to event handlers that are not necessarily instances of Window.
const EventStreamProvider<Event>('pagehide')
pageShowEvent → const EventStreamProvider<Event>
Static factory designed to expose pageshow events to event handlers that are not necessarily instances of Window.
const EventStreamProvider<Event>('pageshow')
PERSISTENT → const int
Indicates that file system data cannot be cleared unless given user permission.
popStateEvent → const EventStreamProvider<PopStateEvent>
Static factory designed to expose popstate events to event handlers that are not necessarily instances of Window.
const EventStreamProvider<PopStateEvent>('popstate')
progressEvent → const EventStreamProvider<Event>
const EventStreamProvider<Event>('progress')
storageEvent → const EventStreamProvider<StorageEvent>
Static factory designed to expose storage events to event handlers that are not necessarily instances of Window.
const EventStreamProvider<StorageEvent>('storage')
TEMPORARY → const int
Indicates that file system data can be cleared at any time.
unloadEvent → const EventStreamProvider<Event>
Static factory designed to expose unload events to event handlers that are not necessarily instances of Window.
const EventStreamProvider<Event>('unload')