RtcPeerConnection class

  • @SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.CHROME)
  • @Native("RTCPeerConnection,webkitRTCPeerConnection,mozRTCPeerConnection")


RtcPeerConnection(Map rtcIceServers, [Map? mediaConstraints])


connectionState String?
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
iceConnectionState String?
no setter
iceGatheringState String?
no setter
localDescription RtcSessionDescription?
no setter
on Events
This is an ease-of-use accessor for event streams which should only be used when an explicit accessor is not available.
no setterinherited
onAddStream Stream<MediaStreamEvent>
Stream of addstream events handled by this RtcPeerConnection.
no setter
onConnectionStateChange Stream<Event>
Stream of connectionstatechange events handled by this RtcPeerConnection.
no setter
onDataChannel Stream<RtcDataChannelEvent>
Stream of datachannel events handled by this RtcPeerConnection.
no setter
onIceCandidate Stream<RtcPeerConnectionIceEvent>
Stream of icecandidate events handled by this RtcPeerConnection.
no setter
onIceConnectionStateChange Stream<Event>
Stream of iceconnectionstatechange events handled by this RtcPeerConnection.
no setter
onNegotiationNeeded Stream<Event>
Stream of negotiationneeded events handled by this RtcPeerConnection.
no setter
onRemoveStream Stream<MediaStreamEvent>
Stream of removestream events handled by this RtcPeerConnection.
no setter
onSignalingStateChange Stream<Event>
Stream of signalingstatechange events handled by this RtcPeerConnection.
no setter
onTrack Stream<RtcTrackEvent>
Stream of track events handled by this RtcPeerConnection.
no setter
remoteDescription RtcSessionDescription?
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
signalingState String?
no setter


addEventListener(String type, EventListener? listener, [bool? useCapture]) → void
addIceCandidate(Object candidate, [VoidCallback? successCallback, RtcPeerConnectionErrorCallback? failureCallback]) Future
addStream(MediaStream? stream, [Map? mediaConstraints]) → void
addTrack(MediaStreamTrack track, MediaStream streams) RtcRtpSender
close() → void
createAnswer([Map? options]) Future<RtcSessionDescription>
createDataChannel(String label, [Map? dataChannelDict]) RtcDataChannel
createDtmfSender(MediaStreamTrack track) RtcDtmfSender
createOffer([Map? options]) Future<RtcSessionDescription>
dispatchEvent(Event event) bool
getLegacyStats([MediaStreamTrack? selector]) Future<RtcStatsResponse>
Temporarily exposes _getStats and old getStats as getLegacyStats until Chrome fully supports new getStats API.
getLocalStreams() List<MediaStream>
getReceivers() List<RtcRtpReceiver>
getRemoteStreams() List<MediaStream>
getSenders() List<RtcRtpSender>
getStats() Future<RtcStatsReport>
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
removeEventListener(String type, EventListener? listener, [bool? useCapture]) → void
removeStream(MediaStream? stream) → void
removeTrack(RtcRtpSender sender) → void
setConfiguration(Map configuration) → void
setLocalDescription(Map description) Future
setRemoteDescription(Map description) Future
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Properties

supported bool
Checks if Real Time Communication (RTC) APIs are supported and enabled on the current platform.
no setter

Static Methods

generateCertificate(dynamic keygenAlgorithm) Future


addStreamEvent → const EventStreamProvider<MediaStreamEvent>
Static factory designed to expose addstream events to event handlers that are not necessarily instances of RtcPeerConnection.
const EventStreamProvider<MediaStreamEvent>('addstream')
connectionStateChangeEvent → const EventStreamProvider<Event>
Static factory designed to expose connectionstatechange events to event handlers that are not necessarily instances of RtcPeerConnection.
const EventStreamProvider<Event>('connectionstatechange')
dataChannelEvent → const EventStreamProvider<RtcDataChannelEvent>
Static factory designed to expose datachannel events to event handlers that are not necessarily instances of RtcPeerConnection.
const EventStreamProvider<RtcDataChannelEvent>('datachannel')
iceCandidateEvent → const EventStreamProvider<RtcPeerConnectionIceEvent>
Static factory designed to expose icecandidate events to event handlers that are not necessarily instances of RtcPeerConnection.
const EventStreamProvider<RtcPeerConnectionIceEvent>('icecandidate')
iceConnectionStateChangeEvent → const EventStreamProvider<Event>
Static factory designed to expose iceconnectionstatechange events to event handlers that are not necessarily instances of RtcPeerConnection.
const EventStreamProvider<Event>('iceconnectionstatechange')
negotiationNeededEvent → const EventStreamProvider<Event>
Static factory designed to expose negotiationneeded events to event handlers that are not necessarily instances of RtcPeerConnection.
const EventStreamProvider<Event>('negotiationneeded')
removeStreamEvent → const EventStreamProvider<MediaStreamEvent>
Static factory designed to expose removestream events to event handlers that are not necessarily instances of RtcPeerConnection.
const EventStreamProvider<MediaStreamEvent>('removestream')
signalingStateChangeEvent → const EventStreamProvider<Event>
Static factory designed to expose signalingstatechange events to event handlers that are not necessarily instances of RtcPeerConnection.
const EventStreamProvider<Event>('signalingstatechange')
trackEvent → const EventStreamProvider<RtcTrackEvent>
Static factory designed to expose track events to event handlers that are not necessarily instances of RtcPeerConnection.
const EventStreamProvider<RtcTrackEvent>('track')