Window class Null safety

Top-level container for the current browser tab or window.

In a web browser, each window has a Window object, but within the context of a script, this object represents only the current window. Each other window, tab, and iframe has its own Window object.

Each window contains a Document object, which contains all of the window's content.

Use the top-level window object to access the current window. For example:

// Draw a scene when the window repaints.
drawScene(num delta) {...}

// Write to the console.

Note: This class represents only the current window, while WindowBase is a representation of any window, including other tabs, windows, and frames.

See also

Other resources

Implemented types
  • @Native("Window,DOMWindow")


animationFrame Future<num>
Returns a Future that completes just before the window is about to repaint so the user can draw an animation frame. [...]
animationWorklet → _Worklet?
applicationCache ApplicationCache?
The application cache for this window. [...]
audioWorklet → _Worklet?
caches CacheStorage?
closed bool?
Indicates whether this window has been closed. [...]
read-only, override
console Console
The debugging console for this window.
cookieStore CookieStore?
crypto Crypto?
Entrypoint for the browser's cryptographic functions. [...]
customElements CustomElementRegistry?
defaultStatus String?
read / write
defaultstatus String?
read / write
devicePixelRatio num
The ratio between physical pixels and logical CSS pixels. [...]
document Document
The newest document in this window. [...]
external External?
hashCode int
The hash code for this object. [...]
read-only, inherited
history History
The current session history for this window's newest document. [...]
read-only, override
indexedDB IdbFactory?
Gets an instance of the Indexed DB factory to being using Indexed DB. [...]
@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.CHROME, '23.0'), @SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.FIREFOX, '15.0'), @SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.IE, '10.0'), read-only
innerHeight int?
The height of the viewport including scrollbars. [...]
innerWidth int?
The width of the viewport including scrollbars. [...]
isSecureContext bool?
localStorage Storage
Storage for this window that persists across sessions. [...]
location Location
The current location of this window. [...]
read / write, override-getter
locationbar BarProp?
This window's location bar, which displays the URL. [...]
This window's menu bar, which displays menu commands. [...]
name String?
The name of this window. [...]
read / write
The user agent accessing this window. [...]
offscreenBuffering bool?
Whether objects are drawn offscreen before being displayed. [...]
on Events
This is an ease-of-use accessor for event streams which should only be used when an explicit accessor is not available.
read-only, inherited
onAbort Stream<Event>
Stream of abort events handled by this Window.
read-only, override
onAnimationEnd Stream<AnimationEvent>
Stream of animationend events handled by this Window.
onAnimationIteration Stream<AnimationEvent>
Stream of animationiteration events handled by this Window.
onAnimationStart Stream<AnimationEvent>
Stream of animationstart events handled by this Window.
onBeforeUnload Stream<Event>
Stream of beforeunload events handled by this Window.
onBlur Stream<Event>
Stream of blur events handled by this Window.
read-only, override
onCanPlay Stream<Event>
read-only, override
onCanPlayThrough Stream<Event>
read-only, override
onChange Stream<Event>
Stream of change events handled by this Window.
read-only, override
onClick Stream<MouseEvent>
Stream of click events handled by this Window.
read-only, override
onContentLoaded Stream<Event>
Stream of contentloaded events handled by this Window.
onContextMenu Stream<MouseEvent>
Stream of contextmenu events handled by this Window.
read-only, override
onDeviceMotion Stream<DeviceMotionEvent>
Stream of devicemotion events handled by this Window.
onDeviceOrientation Stream<DeviceOrientationEvent>
Stream of deviceorientation events handled by this Window.
onDoubleClick Stream<Event>
Stream of doubleclick events handled by this Window.
@DomName('Window.ondblclick'), read-only, override
onDrag Stream<MouseEvent>
Stream of drag events handled by this Window.
read-only, override
onDragEnd Stream<MouseEvent>
Stream of dragend events handled by this Window.
read-only, override
onDragEnter Stream<MouseEvent>
Stream of dragenter events handled by this Window.
read-only, override
onDragLeave Stream<MouseEvent>
Stream of dragleave events handled by this Window.
read-only, override
onDragOver Stream<MouseEvent>
Stream of dragover events handled by this Window.
read-only, override
onDragStart Stream<MouseEvent>
Stream of dragstart events handled by this Window.
read-only, override
onDrop Stream<MouseEvent>
Stream of drop events handled by this Window.
read-only, override
onDurationChange Stream<Event>
read-only, override
onEmptied Stream<Event>
read-only, override
onEnded Stream<Event>
read-only, override
onError Stream<Event>
Stream of error events handled by this Window.
read-only, override
onFocus Stream<Event>
Stream of focus events handled by this Window.
read-only, override
onHashChange Stream<Event>
Stream of hashchange events handled by this Window.
read-only, override
onInput Stream<Event>
Stream of input events handled by this Window.
read-only, override
onInvalid Stream<Event>
Stream of invalid events handled by this Window.
read-only, override
onKeyDown Stream<KeyboardEvent>
Stream of keydown events handled by this Window.
read-only, override
onKeyPress Stream<KeyboardEvent>
Stream of keypress events handled by this Window.
read-only, override
onKeyUp Stream<KeyboardEvent>
Stream of keyup events handled by this Window.
read-only, override
onLoad Stream<Event>
Stream of load events handled by this Window.
read-only, override
onLoadedData Stream<Event>
read-only, override
onLoadedMetadata Stream<Event>
read-only, override
onLoadStart Stream<Event>
onMessage Stream<MessageEvent>
Stream of message events handled by this Window.
read-only, override
onMouseDown Stream<MouseEvent>
Stream of mousedown events handled by this Window.
read-only, override
onMouseEnter Stream<MouseEvent>
Stream of mouseenter events handled by this Window.
read-only, override
onMouseLeave Stream<MouseEvent>
Stream of mouseleave events handled by this Window.
read-only, override
onMouseMove Stream<MouseEvent>
Stream of mousemove events handled by this Window.
read-only, override
onMouseOut Stream<MouseEvent>
Stream of mouseout events handled by this Window.
read-only, override
onMouseOver Stream<MouseEvent>
Stream of mouseover events handled by this Window.
read-only, override
onMouseUp Stream<MouseEvent>
Stream of mouseup events handled by this Window.
read-only, override
onMouseWheel Stream<WheelEvent>
Stream of mousewheel events handled by this Window.
read-only, override
onOffline Stream<Event>
Stream of offline events handled by this Window.
read-only, override
onOnline Stream<Event>
Stream of online events handled by this Window.
read-only, override
onPageHide Stream<Event>
Stream of pagehide events handled by this Window.
onPageShow Stream<Event>
Stream of pageshow events handled by this Window.
onPause Stream<Event>
read-only, override
onPlay Stream<Event>
read-only, override
onPlaying Stream<Event>
read-only, override
onPopState Stream<PopStateEvent>
Stream of popstate events handled by this Window.
read-only, override
onProgress Stream<Event>
onRateChange Stream<Event>
read-only, override
onReset Stream<Event>
Stream of reset events handled by this Window.
read-only, override
onResize Stream<Event>
Stream of resize events handled by this Window.
read-only, override
onScroll Stream<Event>
Stream of scroll events handled by this Window.
read-only, override
onSearch Stream<Event>
Stream of search events handled by this Window.
onSeeked Stream<Event>
read-only, override
onSeeking Stream<Event>
read-only, override
onSelect Stream<Event>
Stream of select events handled by this Window.
read-only, override
onStalled Stream<Event>
read-only, override
onStorage Stream<StorageEvent>
Stream of storage events handled by this Window.
read-only, override
onSubmit Stream<Event>
Stream of submit events handled by this Window.
read-only, override
onSuspend Stream<Event>
read-only, override
onTimeUpdate Stream<Event>
read-only, override
onTouchCancel Stream<TouchEvent>
Stream of touchcancel events handled by this Window.
read-only, override
onTouchEnd Stream<TouchEvent>
Stream of touchend events handled by this Window.
read-only, override
onTouchMove Stream<TouchEvent>
Stream of touchmove events handled by this Window.
read-only, override
onTouchStart Stream<TouchEvent>
Stream of touchstart events handled by this Window.
read-only, override
onTransitionEnd Stream<TransitionEvent>
Stream of transitionend events handled by this Window.
onUnload Stream<Event>
Stream of unload events handled by this Window.
read-only, override
onVolumeChange Stream<Event>
read-only, override
onWaiting Stream<Event>
read-only, override
onWheel Stream<WheelEvent>
Stream of wheel events handled by this Window.
read-only, override
opener WindowBase?
A reference to the window that opened this one. [...]
read / write, override-getter
orientation int?
origin String?
outerHeight int
The height of this window including all user interface elements. [...]
outerWidth int
The width of the window including all user interface elements. [...]
pageXOffset int
pageYOffset int
parent WindowBase?
A reference to the parent of this window. [...]
read-only, override
performance Performance
Timing and navigation data for this window. [...]
@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.CHROME), @SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.FIREFOX), @SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.IE), read-only
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
read-only, inherited
screen Screen?
Information about the screen displaying this window. [...]
screenLeft int?
The distance from the left side of the screen to the left side of this window. [...]
screenTop int?
The distance from the top of the screen to the top of this window. [...]
screenX int?
The distance from the left side of the screen to the mouse pointer. [...]
screenY int?
The distance from the top of the screen to the mouse pointer. [...]
scrollbars BarProp?
This window's scroll bars. [...]
scrollX int
The distance this window has been scrolled horizontally. [...]
scrollY int
The distance this window has been scrolled vertically. [...]
self WindowBase?
The current window. [...]
sessionStorage Storage
Storage for this window that is cleared when this session ends. [...]
speechSynthesis SpeechSynthesis?
Access to speech synthesis in the browser. [...]
status String?
read / write
statusbar BarProp?
This window's status bar. [...]
styleMedia StyleMedia?
Access to CSS media queries. [...]
toolbar BarProp?
This window's tool bar. [...]
top WindowBase?
A reference to the topmost window in the window hierarchy. [...]
read-only, override
visualViewport VisualViewport?
window WindowBase?
The current window. [...]


addEventListener(String type, EventListener? listener, [bool? useCapture]) → void
alert([String? message]) → void
Displays a modal alert to the user. [...]
atob(String atob) String
btoa(String btoa) String
cancelAnimationFrame(int id) → void
Cancels an animation frame request. [...]
cancelIdleCallback(int handle) → void
close() → void
Closes the window. [...]
confirm([String? message]) bool
Displays a modal OK/Cancel prompt to the user. [...]
dispatchEvent(Event event) bool
fetch(dynamic input, [Map? init]) Future
find(String? string, bool? caseSensitive, bool? backwards, bool? wrap, bool? wholeWord, bool? searchInFrames, bool? showDialog) bool
Finds text in this window. [...]
getComputedStyleMap(Element element, String? pseudoElement) StylePropertyMapReadonly
getMatchedCssRules(Element? element, String? pseudoElement) List<CssRule>
Returns all CSS rules that apply to the element's pseudo-element.
@JSName('getMatchedCSSRules'), @Returns('_CssRuleList'), @Creates('_CssRuleList')
getSelection() Selection?
Returns the currently selected text. [...]
matchMedia(String query) MediaQueryList
Returns a list of media queries for the given query string. [...]
moveBy(int x, int y) → void
Moves this window. [...]
moveTo(Point<num> p) → void
Moves this window to a specific position. [...]
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a non-existent method or property is accessed. [...]
open(String url, String name, [String? options]) WindowBase
Opens a new window. [...]
postMessage(dynamic message, String targetOrigin, [List<Object>? transfer]) → void
Sends a cross-origin message. [...]
print() → void
Opens the print dialog for this window. [...]
removeEventListener(String type, EventListener? listener, [bool? useCapture]) → void
requestAnimationFrame(FrameRequestCallback callback) int
Called to draw an animation frame and then request the window to repaint after callback has finished (creating the animation). [...]
requestFileSystem(int size, {bool persistent = false}) Future<FileSystem>
Access a sandboxed file system of size bytes. [...]
requestIdleCallback(IdleRequestCallback callback, [Map? options]) int
resizeBy(int x, int y) → void
Resizes this window by an offset. [...]
resizeTo(int x, int y) → void
Resizes this window to a specific width and height. [...]
resolveLocalFileSystemUrl(String url) Future<Entry>
Asynchronously retrieves a local filesystem entry. [...]
@JSName('webkitResolveLocalFileSystemURL'), @SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.CHROME)
scroll([dynamic options_OR_x, dynamic y, Map? scrollOptions]) → void
Scrolls the page horizontally and vertically to a specific point. [...]
scrollBy([dynamic options_OR_x, dynamic y, Map? scrollOptions]) → void
Scrolls the page horizontally and vertically by an offset. [...]
scrollTo([dynamic options_OR_x, dynamic y, Map? scrollOptions]) → void
Scrolls the page horizontally and vertically to a specific point. [...]
stop() → void
Stops the window from loading. [...]
toString() String
A string representation of this object. [...]


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator. [...]

Static Properties

supportsPointConversions bool
convertPointFromNodeToPage and convertPointFromPageToNode are removed. see


animationEndEvent → const EventStreamProvider<AnimationEvent>
Static factory designed to expose animationend events to event handlers that are not necessarily instances of Window. [...]
@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.CHROME), @SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.SAFARI)
const EventStreamProvider<AnimationEvent>('webkitAnimationEnd')
animationIterationEvent → const EventStreamProvider<AnimationEvent>
Static factory designed to expose animationiteration events to event handlers that are not necessarily instances of Window. [...]
@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.CHROME), @SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.SAFARI)
const EventStreamProvider<AnimationEvent>('webkitAnimationIteration')
animationStartEvent → const EventStreamProvider<AnimationEvent>
Static factory designed to expose animationstart events to event handlers that are not necessarily instances of Window. [...]
@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.CHROME), @SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.SAFARI)
const EventStreamProvider<AnimationEvent>('webkitAnimationStart')
beforeUnloadEvent → const EventStreamProvider<BeforeUnloadEvent>
Static factory designed to expose beforeunload events to event handlers that are not necessarily instances of Window. [...]
const _BeforeUnloadEventStreamProvider('beforeunload')
contentLoadedEvent → const EventStreamProvider<Event>
Static factory designed to expose contentloaded events to event handlers that are not necessarily instances of Window. [...]
const EventStreamProvider<Event>('DOMContentLoaded')
deviceMotionEvent → const EventStreamProvider<DeviceMotionEvent>
Static factory designed to expose devicemotion events to event handlers that are not necessarily instances of Window. [...]
const EventStreamProvider<DeviceMotionEvent>('devicemotion')
deviceOrientationEvent → const EventStreamProvider<DeviceOrientationEvent>
Static factory designed to expose deviceorientation events to event handlers that are not necessarily instances of Window. [...]
const EventStreamProvider<DeviceOrientationEvent>('deviceorientation')
hashChangeEvent → const EventStreamProvider<Event>
Static factory designed to expose hashchange events to event handlers that are not necessarily instances of Window. [...]
const EventStreamProvider<Event>('hashchange')
loadStartEvent → const EventStreamProvider<Event>
const EventStreamProvider<Event>('loadstart')
messageEvent → const EventStreamProvider<MessageEvent>
Static factory designed to expose message events to event handlers that are not necessarily instances of Window. [...]
const EventStreamProvider<MessageEvent>('message')
offlineEvent → const EventStreamProvider<Event>
Static factory designed to expose offline events to event handlers that are not necessarily instances of Window. [...]
const EventStreamProvider<Event>('offline')
onlineEvent → const EventStreamProvider<Event>
Static factory designed to expose online events to event handlers that are not necessarily instances of Window. [...]
const EventStreamProvider<Event>('online')
pageHideEvent → const EventStreamProvider<Event>
Static factory designed to expose pagehide events to event handlers that are not necessarily instances of Window. [...]
const EventStreamProvider<Event>('pagehide')
pageShowEvent → const EventStreamProvider<Event>
Static factory designed to expose pageshow events to event handlers that are not necessarily instances of Window. [...]
const EventStreamProvider<Event>('pageshow')
PERSISTENT → const int
Indicates that file system data cannot be cleared unless given user permission. [...]
popStateEvent → const EventStreamProvider<PopStateEvent>
Static factory designed to expose popstate events to event handlers that are not necessarily instances of Window. [...]
const EventStreamProvider<PopStateEvent>('popstate')
progressEvent → const EventStreamProvider<Event>
const EventStreamProvider<Event>('progress')
storageEvent → const EventStreamProvider<StorageEvent>
Static factory designed to expose storage events to event handlers that are not necessarily instances of Window. [...]
const EventStreamProvider<StorageEvent>('storage')
TEMPORARY → const int
Indicates that file system data can be cleared at any time. [...]
unloadEvent → const EventStreamProvider<Event>
Static factory designed to expose unload events to event handlers that are not necessarily instances of Window. [...]
const EventStreamProvider<Event>('unload')